
New website
August 25, 2023

To usher in a new era of renewal for L2Amerika, we have launched our new website today. This revamped platform will allow for the addition of more features and tools for all players. Stay tuned for updates!

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Maintenance in Progress
We would like to inform you that we are currently undergoing maintenance on our network. The company responsible for our dedicated server is performing a software update on its inf...
15 October, 2024
The Rise of The Saints Update
The Rise of The Saints update is scheduled to launch on November 1, 2024, bringing even more new features to the server. Today, we released the teaser video for this update. Stay t...
15 October, 2024
Server updates
The Steal Divinity skill has been adjusted for the Olympiads: success rate fixed, reuse time increased, and now it can remove/steal 1-3 buffs. The Lindvior Boss map has been rem...
24 September, 2024
Authentication Issue Resolved
This morning, we experienced a small authentication issue between the client and server caused by our security system blocking player connections. We appreciate everyone patience....
13 September, 2024

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